It is so incredibly difficult to commit to a lifestyle change. I think the key is understanding that small set backs are just that - small. Treat them this way and they won't take over. One mistake won't turn into ten and then a whole day and then a whole week. It is one slip up and it's okay to move on.
With only 33 days (as of Monday, July 11) left until tryouts, I'm determined to keep my mind occupied. Whenever I have small slip ups or set backs, it seems to come from boredom. Per IFBB Bikini Pro Alison Rosen's most recent blog on Muscle & Fitness Hers website (link: The Art of Bikram Yoga by Ali Rosen), I have started looking into some Bikram Yoga facilities here in Salt Lake City. I found a studio, Bikram Yoga, in Sugarhouse, and they have an introductory rate of $20 for an unlimited 10-day pass. For $20, I'll be able to get a great idea if this is something I want to pursue! I'll be calling tomorrow to look into this. :) I'm really excited and hopefully this, combined with eating clean, will really help get me motivated for the next 33 days!!!
Any and all positive thoughts my way are much appreciated. It's been a rough journey, and no matter what happens in the next month, I'll be trying out for the Nu Skin Dancers. I WILL follow through!
Lots of love and until next time...
Stay *focused *positive *fit!
Laura Pazourek
Future NPC Bikini Competitor
Twitter: @Bombshell_Laura
I'm sending positive vibes your way this instant! I love Hatha yoga (traditional), but Bikram is just not for me. I feel like I get a lot more out of the experience when I'm not sweating to death, and I also prefer the smooth flow of traditional. If you're just getting into the yoga world, I would suggest trying both forms. There is a great place in SLC called City Centered Yoga located on 9th and 9th and the first class is free.
Thanks Amanda! Yeah, I have been doing regular yoga for about 8 months now - love it, but have found that whenever my teacher spikes up the heat in the room a bit, I seem to get more from the workout. Plus I trust just about anything Ali Rosen writes in her blog, lol. I'll let you know how this week goes! Should be interesting... hehe.